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Holocaust Era Assets Digitization Project

National Archives, Maryland USA, 2010

The first digital humanities project Andrew worked on was a congressionally mandated digitization of records pertaining to the Holocaust. His initial work on the project was in processing and quality control, ensuring that documents were prepared for digitization and overseeing the transition of the scans to the researcher interface. 

Andrew's role changed as he observed recurring errors that prevented scans from being usable as well as issues with metadata compatibility. He initiated a project to observe and interview technicians and review their training materials. Following this, Andrew revised the materials and delivered new training to technicians that reduced the error rate from 37% to 5% per 100 scanned images. Andrew received an award from the department for exceptional service. He would subsequently go on to be responsible for the training and education of student workers in his department for a further year where he developed more materials for future training. 

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